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Call our team on 01566 86903 or

Joining us

Golf Membership

Trethorne Golf Club offers a relaxed and friendly environment for any age group and level of ability. We can now offer a fantastic deal, when you join Trethorne you get reciprocal green fees at our sister club Boringdon Park absolutely free.

Terms & Conditions apply.


Membership PackageTotal♀ 2 ClubD/DebitFirst Month D/D
Full adult membership (7 days)
Full adult membership (5 days)£639.99Yes£57.95
Full adult membership (7 days) JOINT*£1326.00Yes£119.95
Full adult membership (5 days) JOINT*
9 Hole Senior membership (5 days) Over 70
Young Professional (25-29 years)
Intermediate / Student (22-24 years)
Colt (18-21 years)
Junior (13-17 years)
Cadet (Under 13 years)£94.99YesN/A

The above rates are applicable on the 1st June 2023, Plus County, National Union Fees, Insurance, and committee levy. Totalling an additional £30.60 per person. Affiliation fees & membership include VAT.

First Month’s Payment in for DD payers is now DD rate plus County Fees i.e., 7day membership £67.65 + £30.60 = £98.25, July’s DD payment goes back to £67.65 for remaining months

 You have full playing rights at Trethorne for handicaps and competitions & you get reciprocals green fees at our sister club Boringdon park absolutely free.

(*) Joint Members must live as a couple at the same address

(**) Country Memberships are available to those living outside a radius of 40 miles

The monthly Direct Debit charge includes an administrative fee. Members are entitled to make an initial lump sum payment in advance and spread the outstanding amount over the duration of the remaining membership year.


Membership PackageTotal♀ 2 ClubD/DebitFirst Month D/D
Full adult membership (7 days)
Full adult membership (5 days)£669.95Yes£60.57
Full adult membership (7 days) JOINT*£1,399.95
Full adult membership (5 days) JOINT*
9 Hole Senior membership (5 days) Over 70
Young Professional (25-29 years)

Intermediate / Student (22-24 years)

Colt (18-21 years)
Junior (13-17 years)
Cadet (Under 13 years)£99.95YesN/A

The above rates are applicable on the 1st June 2024, Plus County, National Union Fees, Insurance, and committee levy. Totalling an additional £33.00 per person. Affiliation fees & membership include VAT.

First Month’s Payment in for DD payers is now DD rate plus County Fees i.e., 7day membership £71.06 + £33.00 = £104.06, July’s DD payment goes back to £71.06 for remaining months

 You have full playing rights at Trethorne for handicaps and competitions & you get reciprocals green fees at our sister club Boringdon park absolutely free.

(*) Joint Members must live as a couple at the same address

(**) Country Memberships are available to those living outside a radius of 40 miles

The monthly Direct Debit charge includes an administrative fee. Members are entitled to make an initial lump sum payment in advance and spread the outstanding amount over the duration of the remaining membership year.